
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

'Miss' Matching

I don't want to match.

Image via

Ehem, I didn't want to match my wedding band to my engagement ring.  

Here's a pic of my e-ring:

She's lovely: classic, decidedly unfussy, and perfect for me.  But the one thing she was missing was a partner (or two).  And I had my heart set on a simple rose gold beauty, to mix things up a bit. 

The first band I considered was this simple hammered ring by Paloma Picasso for Tiffany.  

Image via

I liked that this ring was delicate, but it still had a rough (or literally, hammered) edge to it.  

Image via CatbirdNYC

This twisted ring by Katrina Lapenne would be perfect for stacking, and still had a sweet and dainty look to it. 

Image via Bario-Neal

The Aldine thin band by Bario-Neal didn't come in rose gold, so I had to consider looking past that minor detail.  I just loved the braided look. 

This black diamond band by Blanca Monros Gomez was a jaw-dropper.  I literally gasped the first time I saw it.  I liked that it was a slightly traditional eternity band, but the use of rose gold and black diamonds gave it a whole new spin.  

And then there was this eternity band by St. Kilda (pictured second from the top)--not exactly the simple band I had in mind. Mr. M felt that my wedding band should be fancy and contain diamonds.  This is the one eternity band that I liked, but the price was a little too "fancy" for our budget.  And it didn't come in rose gold either.  I really liked the emerald cut baguettes, and the filigree detail between them.  

But I saved my favorite for last:

Image via

This is the beaded band with half pointer diamonds, by Sarah Perlis.  The name has a nice ring to it, no?  So stinkin' sweet, so wonderfully delicate.  It was nearly perfect! But it also didn't come in rose gold.  

So there they are!  These were the top contenders for my wedding band.  I was set on stacking rings, (mostly) set on rose gold, and  totally confused.  

Do you know what kind of wedding band you want?  Was it a tough choice?

1 comment:

  1. I love the rose gold color. I never thought of mismatching my e-ring and wedding band, but I'm kind of loving the idea of it! The first one from Tiffany's is my favorite, with the black diamond ones as a close second.
