Ah well, here's the newest mix tape for Bear.

This playlist is pretty much all over the place. It starts with a song from Muse and goes straight into Jeff Buckley. As always, there is an explanation to just about everything.
"Starlight" - We saw Muse when we were at the Voodoo Experience a couple years back. Although we didn't have time to stay and watch their whole set, we enjoyed what we saw. We've gone every year since we started dating and unfortunately we're going to miss the festival this year due to Bear's deployment. Hopefully, we'll be able to go to the next one.
"Book of Love" - Not sure when I first heard this with him. This not-so-lovey-song reminds me of laying back in the car, and singing. I'm a sucker for car karaoke and he doesn't mind. Perfect fit, if you ask me.
"No One's Gonna Love You" - I listened to this album by Band of Horses almost nonstop, when we first started dating. It was the only thing, before the beverage cart came around, that would calm my nerves on the flight to Austin.
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