
Monday, May 9, 2011

The Shoe Saga: Finally, a Touch of Red (White) & Blue

So, the last time I mentioned my (amazingly perfect, oh-my-God-I-can't-believe-I-found-them) wedding shoes. I told you that some dress doubt and subsequent internet searching lead to a pair of lightly-loved Christian Louboutin blue Bow T Dorcet pumps--my dream wedding shoes.  And after a nail-biting few days and emails the shoes were MINE.  ALL MINE.  

And when they arrived (to my office by the way, it took every bit of self control not to rip open the box and dance around my desk), they looked like this:

Gorgeous, but in need of a shoe doctor.  

I poked around on the internet and found a listing of shoe docs in NYC from the Louboutin site.  But I couldn't decide where to drop them off--I was a little scared that I would regret the decision. Did I have a reason for that?  Nope.  I was just a little nervous to leave my amazing find anywhere and I couldn't find the time to hop on the train to New York between work and wedding projects.  The 45 minute train ride sounded like torture to me.  Never mind that I live in a commuter area and no one but me considers the train ride to be a long trip.  What can I say?  There's just never enough time for anything when you're stressed, ya know? 

So I took a chance, and brought these babies down to North Carolina on a recent trip, where I dropped them off at Santana Creative.  They were also listed on the Louboutin site and at the very least I'd be on vacation, so there'd be plenty of time to drop them off and pick them up.  

And just a few days later, they were mine again and good as new!

They cleaned the satin for me, and there are virtually no signs of previous wear.

And because they were just a tiny bit too big for me, I had them add a pad to the heel, which you can see if you look closely.  

Lastly, I had them "touch up the lipstick," or revive the lovely red soles back to their former glory.  Long story short: Santana Creative Rocks!

And just like that, my pipe dream became a reality.  I'm still in shock that I got my dream shoes, (pinch me, please. or don't) and I catch myself sneaking a peek in my bag of bridal accessories to make sure they're still there and they're still mine.  Obsessive? Perhaps.  But it's mostly excitement.  I got the shoes, I got a great deal on them, and I'm going to wear them on the most amazing day EVER.  Yeah, "mostly" excitement.  

Have you scored a great deal on any of your wedding day accessories?  Is there any accessory in particular that you are excited to wear?


  1. swoon over your shoes...i loved my shoes too...they were capparos and loved the colour of the shoes..

  2. @ Mrs. Pancakes - Thanks!! Color is key for me too!

  3. Wow, they've done a great job, look at those shiny red soles. Beautiful and I'm not that much of a shoe person, though with age I've noticed my feelings change towards shoes, I can get excited by them now lol.

  4. The change is remarkable! I can't believe they got them so shiny and pristine.. not going to lie.. I'm SO jealous of you right now ;)
