So when embarking on the process of wedding planning, I assume the most logical thing to do is to savor the moment, and begin brainstorming the basic logistics: procuring a ceremony and reception site, setting the date, and drawing up a preliminary guest list. Wait--that may even be a little too fast. How about just sitting down and considering the options? That might be an easier, and much more logical step. Well, when Cuz had a few friends over, the logic went out the window, and we went back to being girls. Now I'm sure that every basic detail is important (and to some extent it is, clearly from my girl-standpoint), but none is more important than the bride's look on her wedding day.
So, sitting around, watching "The Office" my Cuz mentioned that she wanted a birdcage veil. Wha--wha? A birdcage veil? That's kinda unexpected...well, no, it actually isn't. Birdcage veils are gorgeous. Let's take a looksie here:

Onward to some of my other favorite styles.
The double tier veil. It reminds me of those old Estée Lauder Beautiful commercials with Elizabeth Hurley as one of the most gorgeous brides, ever. Do you know what I’m talking about? It has loads of volume and can be worn at many lengths. It’s that iconic “bride” veil that we’ve seen again and again. Clearly, it works. And I’m pretty sure, it’s the veil that 5 year old Mich would have worn. Twenty something Mich might consider it one day too. Can you blame her, errg, me?

The mantilla is a traditionally Spanish style veil, which is commonly made of lace. It is placed more like a scarf on top of the head. Something like this:
Romantic. Traditional. Sweet--I die. What is it with these Rachel Zoeisms? I don’t think I watched even one episode of her show last season, yet my brain has soaked up and hung onto “I die.” Since this Zoeism is strangely appropriate, it stays. The mantilla can also be placed so that part of it covers the face, which I think I love. But I haven’t seen it in action so much, so I wonder about the ease of use. I mean, guys are smart. They are. But when you are standing up at the altar in front of your friends and family, the nerves are bound to get to you. So smart goes out the window, and maybe, maybe he gets confused and only kind of lifts the veil, leaving an awkward pouf on top of your head. That pouf sort of looks like you got dressed so fast that you didn’t have time to check the veil before you ran down the aisle. But you probably took hours to get ready, you know? And why? Because veils, especially distinct mantilla veils he’s probably never seen before, can be confusing. Or am I looking into this too much?
This is getting wordy and I haven’t even touched upon blushers, you know? That often disputed part of the veil that goes OVER the face (my rant above notwithstanding)? I’m not sure how I feel about them. They are beautiful and traditional, in a I’m-not-so-sure-about-that-tradition kinda way. Then there’s all the different lengths; shoulder, fingertip (I wonder how long they are…), chapel, cathedral, and on and on. How about different levels of fullness? Or trim? Yep. So, so many options.
So what kind of veil makes you drool? Or is the drooling just my issue? It is? Ok, I’m gonna have to look into that. But veils? Feel free to discuss in the comments.
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