
Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Love Letter to My Home Printer

Dear Printer, 

You were groomed purchased for just one purpose in this world:  to help me print the paper goods for my wedding.  You were left in the box for a few months and then carefully set up.  I tested you on occasion, to make sure you were still in good working order, and you always were.  And almost a year later, it is now the time for you to live up to your destiny.  In short, I treated you well so


You insist on eating my envelopes and jamming them deep into your mechanical innards, where I have to use pliers to remove them.  You skew my labels and refuse to print my addresses in the center but for one in every three envelopes (what is that, tre-cimation?).  And you only print the rare "good envelope" after you've been given an hour or more of rest?  Labor laws do not apply to home printers, dude.  I hate to break it to you. 

So in short, I'm onto you.  You have made my blood pressure rise and delayed every single paper project I have tried to work on.  But my invitations are the last straw.  

Have you ever seen "Office Space?"

Of course you didn't because you were only assembled in 2010 and you don't have eyes. 

BUT watch out, Printer--your number is about to come up.



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Shoe Saga: Hope Springs on the Internet

The last time I told you about my shoes they were just a secret (okay, not so secret) desire of mine.  

But, friends, I am amazed and slightly ashamed to tell you that while I was looking for a possible replacement wedding dress on, I came across a beautiful bride in a dress that reminded me of my own.  I opened the listing and saw this:



And I held my breath as I read this description:

"This classic dress was perfect for my big day & I would like to see that it is used again! I was told by numerous people that the wedding was beautiful, but my dress stole the show. It is in (as far as I can tell) perfect condition after being...
professionally cleaned/ preserved. 

I wore blue Christian Louboutin's that went perfectly and would think about including, depending on the buyer's shoe size & budget!"

Oh my sweet Jebus.

Once I calmed myself down, I sent her a quick note:

Hi there, I saw that you mentioned you might be willing to sell your shoes with this dress. I actually have a dress, but I happen to be looking for a pair of blue pumps. I was wondering if you would consider selling your shoes (if they are still available and of course, depending on the size)? Thanks 

You know, what I really wanted to say was "Hi. You don't know me, but I am obsessed with those shoes.  And I know you are selling your dress, which is lovely, so lovely that it reminded me of my own dress that I clicked the pictures and found the shoes I never ever thought I would actually find. It's fate. Kismet, really.  So would you please sell them to me?  And please tell me they are in my size??"

Yeah, I think going with the first email was the right call.   After a few tense hours, she got back to me.  The shoes were available(!), and they were almost my size--they were just a half size too big.  Half size too big was close enough for me!  We spent a couple more days going back and forth, and then she sent me these pics:

Aww...aren't they pretty?  

And oh, the lipstick (the lipstick!)was still in great condition!

We exchanged a few more emails, negotiated a price and...SOLD!  My dream shoes would be mine, at a fraction of their original price, and in pretty great condition.  

Thank you internet.  I <3 you for all your quirks and surprises, especially the surprises.  

Have you found anything online that you never expected to find?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't You Step on My Blue Shoes

After my last shoe fail, I decided to take a break from shoes.  Two seconds later, I got real with myself and started looking for the shoes I knew I wanted from the beginning--

blue shoes.  Gorgeous blue shoes!  And really, me taking a break from shoes is like PB taking a break from jelly.  Ain't gonna happen.

It felt like a few years ago, when I stumbled upon pictures of brides in brightly colored shoes there were blue shoes as far as the eye (or computer monitor) could see.  Lately, it feels like the perfect blue shoes are tougher to come by.  So I collected some of my personal favorites, to share with any other blue shoe lovin' brides.

1. Kate Spade "Didi"  2. Nina "Conabel"  3. Rocket Dog "Marilus"  4. Kate Spade "Chrisette"  5. Seychelles "In With the New" 6. Christian Louboutin "Bow T Dorcet" 7. Vivenne Westwood "Anglomania + Lady Dragon"

Could you spot my favorite pair?  I'll give you a clue:  it's the pair I've lusted after for a few years now.  They're a bit hard to find and just a smidge over my budget. 


My heart races for these shoes, it's sad but true.  The perfect shade of blue, a touch of red lipstick peeking out from the sole.  And nothing short of a miracle will be needed to make this happen for me.  But to paraphrase the great Wayne Campbell(if I may be so bold), they will be mine, oh yes, they will. Be. Mine.  

Have you found a the perfect pair of shoes for your wedding day? Were they a reach to find or squeeze into your budget?? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Set Up for a [Shoe] Letdown

A few months back, I found the wedding deal of a lifetime (or at least the best deal I've come across while planning my wedding):

I found these gorgeous Alexander McQueen heart shaped peep toe pumps at an amazing price--more than half off the original price!!! 

I couldn't believe my luck, so I scooped up a pair.  Purple shoes weren't in my plan before, but I couldn't say no to these gorgeous babies.  Just days later, they were mine!

I could barely contain my excitement when I opened the box.  And then...

My gorgeous and perfect shoes weren't so perfect in person. ESCANDOLO! (I know)

The soles were scuffed up, there were some runs in the satin, toe impressions on the inner sole, and they were a little too big.  That, was letdown #1. I called their customer service and they sent me a replacement pair, right away.  

And just a few days after that, I found myself with another box of shoes.  I held my breath this time as I opened the box and wouldn't you know it?  Another imperfect pair with the same issues: letdown #2.

Ok, fail horns, let me have it!

So I called them up and arranged for another return,  this time with no exchange.  Their customer service was really great by the way, extremely courteous and professional, they made the ordeal as painless as possible.  Did I get what I paid for?  Or was it just a mix up? Sometimes, clothing is sent out on photo shoots and returned in less than perfect condition.  My guess is that there was a mix up and I probably got a pair (and then another) of those.

I just took it as a sign that these lovelies were not meant to be mine.  

Have you found your shoes yet?  Did you have any shoe letdowns?

Monday, April 4, 2011

How I Get By (With A Little Help From My Friends)

I have "people." And I'm a lucky girl.  It took me a while to realize it, but the other day, I was smacked in the face by gratitude.  Yeah, gratitude smacked me in the face (but in a good way). 

So let me introduce you to my people.  

  • My family.  My family is a constant source of support and honesty.  Is an idea too cray cray? Have I spread myself too thin?  Is something really cute and should I totally go for it?  They'll tell me.  Remember when I said that there are some people out there that I feel are trying to sugar coat their feelings about my DIY projects?  My family is not on that list.  Take for example my aunt, who in seeing me work on my bridesmaids present (that I'm getting to, I promise) said, "you're nuts.  Just go buy it!"  Yeah, she doesn't mince words because she loves me (and because she doesn't mince words, generally speaking).  But that's my family, and I need them and their honesty to keep me going.
  • My friends are an awesome group of women.  They've all offered to help me, time and time again.  And of course, I've said no time and time again.  Soon enough though, I'm going to get over my inability to relinquish control and tag them in for a round or two.  They keep me laughing, keep me smiling, and keep me sane.  And for that, I am a very lucky lady. 
  • My bridey-friends.  I could probably write a post on all my friends that are getting married, and another on the women I've become closer with because we're getting married.  We're in the same place at the same time.  Who else wants to discuss the difference between peonys and garden roses or custom monograms versus DIY?  My bridey-friends, that's who!  I know who I can talk to about anything wedding related, at any time, preferably over a glass of wine.
  • And you, dear bloggie friends.  I've really loved checking out your blogs and I can relate to so many of your experiences and I love your inspirations.  Also, can I just tell you that it makes my day to see someone comment on a post?  It really does!  I never would have expected to feel such support from people that I've haven't met before.  But I do.  And I'm officially addicted to blogging now, thanks to you all.
And I feel very lucky that as my stress level rises and the clock starts winding down that I have people to turn to.  People who will roll up their sleeves with me.  People who will advise me when my brain up and quits me (because you know it will).  People that will tell me the truth straight up (no chaser) when I need to take a time out and enjoy myself.  My people are awesome.  

And as an added bonus, I share with you one of my favorite show openers ever since I couldn't decide what version of "With A Little Help From My Friends" I wanted to share.  P.S.-I'm still a little jealous of Winnie Cooper. 

How about you, do you have "people?"  (Have your people call my people and we'll do lunch--sorry, couldn't help myself) When have they helped you the most?

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm Not Sure if I Should Be Offended

Hello internet and bloggie friends!  

There's something I haven't told you about myself, something that I feel I need to divulge so we can move forward in a supportive and understanding way.  So here goes.  

I am addicted to DIY.  Hopelessly addicted.  According to the Bear, I'm what you call a "hot glue gun ninja":  give me a hot glue gun and a pair of scissors and I will make whatever you need. Phew--felt good to get that off my chest.  How about you? 

My attitude is, why pay retail for something that you can easily (and affordably) make?  Apparently I'm crazy off here, because normal people don't feel the need to make everything themselves.  And when I talk about a project I'm excited to try for the first time or I talk about a failed attempt and my plans to fix it for the next time, I often get a confused look and a kindly side-eye.  The expression is typically followed by something like:

"You're making X?  Why?  Can't you just buy it?"


"WHAT are you doing?  Wow, that's a lot of work."

or my very favorite

"Did you say you're making X yourself?  That must take a lot of tiiime." don't say...a lot of time...

What don't people just come out and say it?  Please. Because I get the distinct feeling that you're trying to say something without really saying it. What you're trying to tell me is that I must have a lot of time on my hands to go the DIY route.  And you're right--DIY takes time and planning.  But does that mean that I'm sitting at home just looking for ways to fill my time?

Nope! Sorry.  I too have a life.  I work a full time job, I have friends, I have a family, and yes I have things I like to do. I believe in some circles those things are referred to as hobbies, or interests.  What's wrong with with that?

(Maybe people think only grannies are supposed to DIY or something)

I know, some people mean to be supportive. Maybe they're saying that I should take some time to relax and just buy things ready-made.  But again, can't they just say that?  Most of the time, I get the feeling that I belong in side show "come one, come all!  watch in wonder as the DIY-Daredevil [ha, that was the best I could do] lovingly handcrafts soy candles instead of running to the local Pottery Barn to buy them!  Come! Marvel at her lack of common sense and social life!"

Rrg...So I like to make things by hand, whenever possible or reasonable (to me). Sue me.  

DIYers, have you ever felt like people were trying to tell you something else when they "complimented" your projects?  Non-DIYers, what are your thoughts?