
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Invitation Inspiration - On A Roll

Oh my goodness.

Yeah, that's just a roll of film.  Or is it?

Need I continue? Oh, I DO.

Wow.  If I could go back in time I might attempt these for our save the dates.  I majored in print photography back in college, and it's still one of my hobbies. And since there isn't a dark room  around me for miles (and I don't want to pay lab to process my film), there are rolls of film in drawers and baskets all over the house.

Of course I wouldn't use any exposed film (I'm guessing that there isn't any film in the rolls above) AND of course it's too late for me.  It's just another cool idea to drool over. 


  1. That? Is the coolest thing I've seen EVER.

  2. I'm so mad at myself for not doing this! I want a do over on our wedding now! (our bathroom cabinets are filled with rolls of film and developing chemicals) oh well, maybe at our 50th anniversary LOL
