
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


When I think of my wedding day ensemble, there is one thing I am completely sure about.  

My bouquet.  

I want a posy of Lilies of the Valley to carry down the aisle.   

In the Victorian era they were a symbol of humility, sweetness,happiness, and purity of the heart.  For generations, brides have carried these tiny bell shaped flowers on their wedding day.  How could I resist?

They also have personal significance to me. I've always been fascinated by them, and I remember walking down the street with my mom and grandparents back in Queens when I was very young.  I'd drag them from yard to yard, as I tried to sniff every single stem that came across my path.  

And last May, on the day I learned of my grandfather's death, the Bear and I took a walk through the Union Square Farmers Market before I went home to pack my bags.  And as we walked by the stalls, I caught the unmistakable scent that I'd loved so much as a child.  Before I knew what was happening, we'd walked up to the stall that was selling Lilies of the Valley (and only Lilies of the Valley), and Bear bought me a bouquet.  I clutched them like my life depended on it, while Bear took me home so I could prepare for my trip to say goodbye to my Papou.  Looking back on it now, it was so much more than coincidence, for me.  

Bear just happened to be visiting me at home, we just happened to be in Manhattan, and we unintentionally walked into the Green Market to find a vendor selling only Lillies of the Valley. 

These little beauties are a must have on my wedding day.  I'm hoping my florist will be able to get them for me, since they are tough to find in July.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  

Does anyone else have a flower obsession like mine?


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